Autosure Mechanical Warranty’s available here

Mechanical Insurance

We get questions all of the time around mechanical break down insurance.  We are approved to carry out repairs for all of the major providers here at Te Rapa Auto Electrical. I’m unsure of any in fact that we haven’t previously done work for.  We can also provide autosure policy’s for vehicles that qualify.  We are huge advocates for policy’s as we see on a daily basis expensive mechanical and electrical failures. 
Some FAQ’s, remembering all providers and tiers of cover are slightly different
What’s covered? – In general any legit mechanical or electrical failure for items that aren’t deemed as where and tear.
Are there any exclusions?– Yes, depending on provider and level of cover, some policy’s wont cover things like Navigation and audio etc
Are Hybrids and EV’s covered? – Short answer is give me a call with details and we can enquire, We have had some EV batteries covered in recent months.
What’s required to get a policy?–  For Autosure the car needs to meet the age and mileage criteria which is different depending on tier of cover wanted and type of vehicle, but we can find out for you..  The vehicle needs a precheck also, as pre existing faults are not covered.
What’s required if i have a policy? – The owners requirement is to meet the servicing requirements, usual any MTA recognised workshop like ours is ok for servicing. An example for Autosure, if your car is a Diesel, it needs to be serviced every 10,000kms or 12 months, which ever occurs first.
What happens if I break down? – Most provider give you a 24/7 breakdown service that will get you to a garage.
What happens if i make a claim? -Generally its assess and report on the owners authority, due to the unknown. IE a coolant leak.  If a stones gone through the radiator this would not be covered, however it the radiator has failed and leaking at a seam or similar, then likely it is. 


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